In my earlier post, I discussed the first group of affix meN_i and meN_kan. In this post I will be talking about the second group of meN_i and meN_kan.
If there is a sentence to remember the first group, I have coined another sentence to remember the second group of the affix. The sentence is '
bawah'. Literally it means 'Mak Imah goes up and down her old house until she falls downwards / below.' (Note: a typical kampung house has stilts to support it.) As before, the first letter of each word represents a word this group. These are
kotor and
These are the rules:
1 The doer before meN_i moves.
memasuki rumah itu. [I enter the house. Here, 'saya' moves into the house.]
2 The object after meN_kan moves.
memasukkan wang ke dalam dompet. [Saya put money into my purse. Here, 'wang' (money) moves into the purse]
3 The doer after di_i moves.
Rumah itu
dimasuki pencuri. [The house was entered by a thief. Here 'pencuri' (thief) moves into the house stealthily.]
4 The object in front of di_kan moves.
Buku itu
dimasukkannya ke dalam beg. [The book was put into a bag. Here, 'buku' (book) moves into the bag.]
You can try to make sentences with
penuh and
jalan. If you can't, just request me to do so in the comment section and I will oblige you and post all the sentences in my next post.
The words
kotor and
basah has different rules. These are:
a) rubbish +
mengotori + place
e.g. Sampah sarap
mengotori tempat itu. [Rubbish has dirtied the place.]
b) person +
mengotorkan + place + with + rubbish
e.g. Penduduk di sana
mengotorkan tempat itu dengan sampah sarap.
[The people there dirtied the place with rubbish.]
c) Place +
dikotori + rubbish
e.g. Longkang ini
dikotori sampah. [The drain was dirtied by the rubbish.]
d) Place +
dikotorkan + person + with + rubbish
e.g. Lantai kelas ini
dikotorkan oleh pelajar dengan sampah.
[The floor was dirtied by the pupils with rubbish.]
The rules for
basah is the same as the ones for
kotor. Just replace 'kotor' with 'basah' and 'rubbish' with 'water' and you have the rules for 'basah'. Here are the four sentences:
a) Air hujan
membasahi kaki lima kedai itu. [Rain water had made the corridor of the shop wet.]
b) Ibu
membasahkan lantai dengan air sebelum mengelapnya. [Mother has made the floor wet with water before wiping/mopping it.]
c) Badan saya
dibasahi air hujan kerana saya tidak memakai baju hujan. [My body was wet with rain water because I did not wear a raincoat.]
d) Lantai itu
dibasahkan oleh kakak dengan air sebelum mengelapnya. [The floor was made wet with water by sister before she mopped it.]