Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How to use 'benefit' and 'benefit from'

The word 'benefit' can be a noun or a verb. As a noun it means 'an advantage or profit gained from something' and as a verb it carries the meaning of 'receive an advantage; profit'

The use of 'benefit' as a noun in a sentence is as follows:
One of the benefits of being a member here is being able to use the gym for workouts.

As for the use of 'benefit' as a verb, it depends on whether it is followed by the preposition 'from' or not. Look at the following sentences.

a) The project launched by the government here really benefits the village people. [It means the project gives the villagers advantages or a lot of good.]

b) We can benefit from the establishment of a bank here. [We can get an advantage if there is a bank here because we can deal with it for various transactions.]

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