Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to write a sentence in different ways

We can write a certain sentence in different ways by replacing words which bear the same meaning.

Example 1

She chanced to meet her friend a few days ago.

Sentences with the same meaning are as follows:

A) She ran into her friend a few days ago.

B) She bumped into her friend a few days ago.

C) She met her friend by chance a few days ago.

d) She ran into her friend the other day.

e) She bumped into her friend the other day.

f) She met her friend by chance the other day.

Example 2

Money matters a lot as we need it to buy things and get services from others.

We can express the above sentence in the following ways:

A) Money matters a lot for we need it to buy things and get services from others.

b) Money matters a lot as we need it to purchase things and get services from others.

c) Money matters a lot for we need it to buy things and obtain services from others.

d) Money matters a lot for we need it to buy things and get services from other people.

e) Money is very important for we need it to buy things and get services from others.

f) Money is very important as we need it to purchase things and get services from others.

g) Money is very important as we need it to buy things and obtain services from others.

h) Money is very important as we need it to buy things and obtain services from other people.


Anonymous said...

how can we write earn sitting at home in different ways.

Plz help me.

TH Yeoh said...

I will try to express 'earn sitting at home" in a few ways.
You can write it as 'get paid without living the house', 'eke out a living working at home', or 'get money for a living without leaving the house' and so on.