Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The difference between 'pedalaman' and 'pendalaman'

In today's post, I am going to talk about the difference between 'pedalaman' and 'pendalaman'.

According to Kamus Dewan 4th Edition, 'pedalaman' is said to be 'daerah yang jauh dari pantai (yang terletak di ceruk pelosok atau di hulu negeri' which simply means 'inland area' or 'remote area' You can make a sentence such as the one below using this word.
Kemudahan asas di kawasan pedalaman serba kurang.
[There is litter basic amenities in the remote area.]

As for 'pendalaman' it is 'perihal mendalamkan, tindakan (proses) mendalamkan' or 'the act of deeping' in English. An illustration of its usage is seen in the following sentence:

Pendalaman dasar sungai itu dilakukan untuk mencegah berlakunya banjir di sana.
[The deepening of the river bed is to prevent the occurrence of floods there.]

So much for the difference between 'pedalaman' and 'pendalaman'.

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