Saturday, May 22, 2010

Words ending in suffix 'kan' and take humans as objects

Today I am discussing a group of Malay words which are followed by nouns and needs no suffix 'kan' unless they are followed by 'orang' (humans). A few examples will be given here and the rest are up to your discretion based whether they are meaningful if 'orang' are behind them.

1 a) Pengerusi kelab itu merancang aktiviti tahunan kelabnya. [The verb 'merancang' (to plan) is followed by the noun 'aktiviti' (activities)]
[The Chairman of the club plans his club's annual activities.]
b) Saya merancangkan adik jadual waktu belajar. [The verb 'merancangkan' (to plan for) here is followed by the 'adik' (my brother, a human)]
[I planned for my younger brother the time-table for his studies.]

2 a) Pekerja itu menghantar barang yang dibeli oleh pelanggan itu ke rumahnya. [The verb 'menghantar' (to send) is followed by the noun 'barang' (thing)]
b) Lina menghantarkan ibunya pakaian itu ke kedai dobi untuk dicuci. [ The verb 'menghantarkan' (to send for or take for ) is followed by 'ibunya' (her mother, a human)]
[Lina took the laundry for her mother to the dhoby's shop for washing.]

3 a) Johari membeli akhbar di kedai itu. [The verb 'membeli' (to buy) is followed by the noun 'akhbar' (newspaper)]
[Johari bought a newspaper at the shop.]
b) Saya membelikan adik sebuah buku cerita. [The verb 'membelikan' (to buy for) is followed by 'adik' (younger brother, a human)]
[I bought for my younger brother a story book.]

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