Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Impromptu Speech

Impromptu Speech

When I was studying in a well-known school in Penang, I joined the English Literary and Debating Society. One of the activities was impromptu speech. I like to participate in this activity. For one thing, I got to train myself to be calm when facing an audience. For another, I learnt to express myself on the spot on a topic given by the teacher advisor.

This training put me in good stead when I became a teacher. This is because as a teacher, one has to stand in front of many pupils, about 40 in number in most Malaysian schools, when delivering the lessons.

When I am driving, I like to do impromptu speech for the fun of it. You may think that I am mad but good speakers usually have to rehearse in front of a mirror many times because he presents his talk to an audience.

I encourage my students to talk on any topic offhand in class. It was quite successful for Sixth Formers when I had the chance to teach MUET (Malaysian University Entrance Test) them before I retired as a government teacher.

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