Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The correct usage of 'mengikut' and 'mengikuti'

In today's post I would like to talk about the correct usage of 'mengikut' and 'mengikuti' in the Malay language. My students (by the way, I am teaching both English and Malay as a tutor), often get confused with the usage of these two words. Let us look at how they should be used.

For 'mengikut' which has three meanings, it can be used as in the following sentences:
1 Adik mengikut kakak ke pasar raya. (My younger brother goes with my sister to the supermarket.] (The meaning of 'mengikut' here is 'go with')

2 Semua pengguna perpustakaan mestilah mengikut peraturan perpustakaan. [All library users must observe the rules of the library.] ('mengikut' here carries the meaning of 'observe, abide by')

3 Mengikut ramalan kaji cuaca, hujan lebat akan turun hari ini. [According to the weather forecast, there will be heavy rain today.] ('According to' is the meaning of 'mengikut' here.)

There are four meanings of the word 'mengikuti' and they are used as shown in the sentences below:
1 Kami akan mengikuti latihan itu. [We will be undergoing the training.] ('mengikuti' here means 'undergo')

2 Saya suka mengikuti pelajaran yang disampaikan oleh Encik Lim. [I like to follow the lessons presented by Mr Lim.] ('mengikuti' in this sentence means 'follow a lesson)

3 Mereka mengikuti rancangan televisyen itu setiap hari. [They watch the television programme daily.] (The meaning of 'mengikuti' here means 'continue to watch a show, a live broadcast, etc)

4 Sebagai pelajar, kita harus mengikuti perkembangan semasa. [As students, we should keep abreast of the current affairs.] ['mengikuti' here means 'keep abreast of current affairs, political development,etc.)

I hope the above examples will clear the doubts of Malay users as to the correct usage of 'mengikut' and 'mengikuti'.

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