Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rubbish and Chinese New Year

Today is the second day of Chinese New Year. Usually daughters who are married are not allowed to go back to their parents' homes during the first day of Chinese New Year. Hence they will be too eager to do so today. For those who place importance on cleanliness they will start to put the brooms to good use again today because the day before they were not supposed to disposed of rubbish which to the Chinese is 'money' which should be be discarded on the first day of Chinese New Year.

However in Buddihsim, Maitreya Buddha will welcome all rubbish to be thrown into His bag because to Him, anything unwanted including suffering will be borned willingby by Him. The Buddha is so compassionate that He will try to alleviate whatever suffering human beings may have and is very willing to shoulder all the agony experienced by them.

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