Monday, November 3, 2008

How to use 'everyday' and 'every day' correctly

'Everyday'[spelt as a word] is an adjective. As such it is used in front of nouns. The following sentences show the correct usage of 'everyday'.
1 It is an everyday affair for me to sweep the floor and do all the washing in the kitchen.
2 The crowd at the bus station is an everyday sight.
3 The businessman makes an everyday trip to town to buy his goods.

'Every day'[spelt far away as two words]is an adverb. Hence it is used to modify verbs. Sentences below illustrate this point:
1 My mother goes to market every day. ['every day' modifies the verb 'goes']
2 I revise my lessons for two hours every day. ['every day' modifies the verb 'revise']
3 The man jogs in the garden every day. ['every day' modifies the verb 'jogs'.]

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