Sunday, October 19, 2008

Non-stop riders

If you are in Penang and you drive, you have to be very careful about motorcyclists. They will simply overtakes you from the left or from the right. Most of them will zigzag their way in between cars to be in front. Worst of all, they don't stop at pedestrian crossing when the red light is on.

When you drive near a side road a motorcycle is coming out, the chances are it won't stop but comes out and turn left into the road and you have to slow them to let pass first. If you don't you will knock into them. That's why, we have to look to the front, to left and right as well as look at the rear mirror for defensive driving.

Motorcyclists in Penang are non-stop riders. They don't seem to know how to stop when it comes to junctions or at traffic light unless they are behind some vehicles.

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