Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It is reunion dinner time again

Today is the eve of Xin Nian or Chinese New Year. On this day, members of the family will come together for Tuan Yuan Fan or Reunion Dinner. To me it is a good practice and should be sustained because it stresses family unity as no matter how far you are you will come back to meet your father, mother, brothers and sisters. Each of you will be able to exchange news of the happenings throughout the year.

I still remember how I rushed back from Pahang, 500 kilometres away from home just to be in time for this occastion. My principal, Encik Yaakub Isa allowed us off earlier so that I could reached Penang before Chinese New Year Eve.

It is always wonderful to be home. Hence the saying 'Home Sweet Home'. The Malay proverb always says 'Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri batu di negeri sendiri, baik juga di negeri sendiri' which can be translated literally as ' Golden rain in other people's country, stone rain in our own country, it is better to be in one's own country.'

I wish all Chinese enjoy this family togetherness today.


Granny Hani said...

Happy chinese new year to you sir.

YAAKUB ISA said...

Happy New Year too, Teik Hai...

TH Yeoh said...

Thank you.