Sunday, June 6, 2010

The difference between 'menghantar' and 'menghantarkan'

Certain words in Malay do not require the suffix 'kan'. Examples of them are menghantar [to send]merancang [to plan], menunda [to postpone], memegang [to hold], membasmi [to eradicate], membanteras [to eradicate] and mengeksploitasi [to exploit]

When 'kan' is added to such words, they mean 'for' and it must be logical for this meaning. For instance, if 'kan' is added to 'menghantarkan' it means to send [a letter] for someone, that is to do him a favour by bringing the letter to the post office and drop it into the post letter box so that the postman will deliver it to the recipient.

You can add 'kan' to merancang to form merancangkan which means to plan for someone. Similarly, memegangkan is possible because it means to hold something for someone for the time being, for example, so that he can open the car boot for it to be put there. As for membasmi, menunda, membanteras and mengeksploitsi, you cannot put 'kan' at the end of these words because it will be meaningless to postpone for someone, to eradicate for someone, or to exploit for someone.

For today's post, I shall make sentences to bring out the difference between 'menghantar' and 'menghantarkan'.
1 Saya menghantar surat khabar lama itu ke kedai kitar semula.
[I took the old newspaper to the recycling shop.]
2 Saya menghantarkan jiran anaknya ke sekolah kerana keretanya rosak.
[I took my neighbour's son to school for him because his car broke down.

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