Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to use 'beside' and 'besides' correctly

My students often gets confused when it comes to using these two words. They are 'beside' and 'besides'.

The word 'beside' is a preposition and it means 'near'.
Let us look at two examples to see how it is used in sentences.
1 I sat beside John when I was watching the football match.
2 There is dustbin beside me.

As for 'besides', it is a preposition and adverb. When it is used as a preposition, it means 'in addition to' but when it acts as an adverb, it carries the meaning of 'in addition'.

You can make a sentence such as the one below to use it as a preposition.
Besides singing, the renowned singer composes her own songs.

To use 'besides' as an adverb, perhaps you can construct a sentence as follows.
Besides, I don't have the transport to go there at the moment.

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