Sunday, March 7, 2010

Never try more than twice

With the advent of computers, consumers depend heavily on them in their daily lives. Take banking as a example, we are allowed to do internet banking for our convenience. We can pay bills, transfer funds to other accounts and ever reload our mobile phones.

To do Internet banking, we are required to opt or ATM card. Having requesting a six-digit Internet PIN from an ATM, we can go to the bank's website to complete our Internet banking registration.

We need to remember our ID and password. The trouble is sometimes we simply cannot recall our password on the spot and resort to guessing. That's when we render our Internet banking account being deactivated. From experience, I know that we can only tried twice for the password. The third time trial with wrong password will make our account inaccessible until we phone the bank to reset it for us.

Hence, whenever you find that you have entered th wrong password, try another time and stop. Try the next day or refer to the correct one by getting it from where you hid it.

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